Activity of lightningnetwork/lnd repository


Constant contribution activity

Activity badge for lightningnetwork/lnd repository

Why lightningnetwork/lnd is stable?

The result is based on ratio of number of commits from initial and final time ranges.

Initial time range – from 14 Aug, 2023 to 14 Nov, 2023

Final time range – from 15 May, 2024 to 14 Aug, 2024

Additions and deletions stats are not available for this repository due to GitHub API limitations.

Data calculated on 14 Aug, 2024

Bus factor

What is Bus factor?

It is basically a number of most active contributors responsible for 80% of contributions.

Bus factor tries to assess "What happens if a key member of the team is hit by a bus?". The more there are key members, the lower the risk.

The lightningnetwork/lnd repository has a bus factor of 8.

Low risk, knowledge is well distributed among the team members

Bus factor was measured on 14 Aug 2024


Summary of lightningnetwork/lnd

The Lightning Network Daemon (LND) is a repository on GitHub that is part of the Lightning Network. It's designed to be a complete implementation of a Lightning Network node and includes functionalities such as:

  • Creating and managing channels
  • Sending and receiving payments
  • Managing on-chain transactions
  • Interfacing with other Lightning Network nodes

LND is built with a focus on interoperability. It conforms to the BOLT (Basis of Lightning Technology) specifications, which outline the standards for the Lightning Network. These specifications aim to ensure different Lightning Network nodes can work together seamlessly.

The LND repository is open sourced, allowing anyone to contribute to its development, evaluate its code or build upon it. It's written in Go and relies on the btcd suite of bitcoin libraries, but also includes partial support for Bitcoin Core. It supports various systems including Linux, macOS, and Windows.

Developers interested in contributing to the project are welcome to submit pull requests, but are encouraged to follow the contribution guidelines set out by the maintainers.

Please note that as implementing the Lightning Network can be complex, getting involved with or using the LND software requires a high level of understanding of how cryptocurrencies and the Lightning Network work.

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