Activity of ethereum/go-ethereum repository

Barely warm 〽️

Contribution activity is decreasing

Activity badge for ethereum/go-ethereum repository

Why ethereum/go-ethereum is barely warm?

The result is based on ratio of number of commits from initial and final time ranges.

Initial time range – from 14 Aug, 2023 to 14 Nov, 2023

Final time range – from 15 May, 2024 to 14 Aug, 2024

Additions and deletions stats are not available for this repository due to GitHub API limitations.

Data calculated on 14 Aug, 2024

Bus factor

What is Bus factor?

It is basically a number of most active contributors responsible for 80% of contributions.

Bus factor tries to assess "What happens if a key member of the team is hit by a bus?". The more there are key members, the lower the risk.

The ethereum/go-ethereum repository has a bus factor of 12.

Low risk, knowledge is well distributed among the team members

Bus factor was measured on 14 Aug 2024


Summary of ethereum/go-ethereum

The Ethereum/go-ethereum GitHub repository is the official Go implementation of the Ethereum protocol. This is a core repository for Ethereum's blockchain protocol, where developers have built the open-source and decentralized platform that enables smart contracts.

Here are some of its key features:

  • Efficient and Flexible: The go-ethereum client is efficient and flexible to use, as it's written in Go and it provides a range of synchronisation modes from fast sync through light sync.

  • Full suite of Commands and Utilities: The repository offers a full suite of command line interfaces for all product components, such as the Ethereum network peer server and the Swan swarm distributed storage.

  • Includes several Software Packages: The repository includes several software packages, such as eth (the Ethereum CLI), geth (the main Ethereum CLI client), Mist (GUI wallet) and more.

  • Developer-Friendly Environment: The environment is developer-friendly, making it easy to contribute. Contributions are encouraged, be it in the form of feature proposals, issue tickets, pull requests or general feedback.

  • Well-Documented: Each area of the codebase has a README file to help guide developers and users. There are also templates for issue reporting and pull requests, guidelines for contributing, and extensive API documentation.

[Ethereum/go-ethereum]( - The Go implementation of the Ethereum protocol by the [Ethereum Foundation](

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