Activity of jekyll/jekyll repository

Inactive 🧊

Significant drop in contribution activity

Activity badge for jekyll/jekyll repository

Why jekyll/jekyll is inactive?

The result is based on ratio of number of commits from initial and final time ranges.

Initial time range – from 5 Jul, 2023 to 5 Oct, 2023

Final time range – from 5 Apr, 2024 to 5 Jul, 2024

Additions and deletions stats are not available for this repository due to GitHub API limitations.

Data calculated on 5 Jul, 2024

Summary of jekyll/jekyll

The jekyll/jekyll repository on GitHub is where the development of Jekyll, a simple, blog-aware, static site generator, takes place.

Jekyll is a Ruby gem that generates static websites from plain text files. It's particularly popular with developers for building project pages, blogs, and websites. It takes a template directory containing raw text files in various formats, runs it through Markdown (or Textile) and Liquid converters, and generates a complete, ready-to-publish static website.

The jekyll/jekyll repository contains the source code for Jekyll, as well as issues, pull requests, and other related development materials. It also comes with its complete documentation, detailing everything from introduction on how to install and work with it, advanced features, and different plugins it offers.

Here's how the repository structure roughly looks:

  • _ci/: Scripts used by Jekyll's continuous integration
  • docs/: Detailed documentation for Jekyll which also serves as a living example of Jekyll
  • features/: High level testings for Jekyll's functionality
  • lib/: Contains Jekyll's primary functionality
  • script/: Scripts to help you develop Jekyll
  • site/: Jekyll source of Jekyll's official website.
  • test/: Unit testings for the functionalities of each Jekyll class/module

Contributions are welcome, and the repository provides a guide on how potential contributors can go about doing so.

It is advisable to explore the repository, especially the and files to understand the project better.

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