Activity of XRPLF/xrpl.js repository

Inactive 🧊

Significant drop in contribution activity

Activity badge for XRPLF/xrpl.js repository

Why XRPLF/xrpl.js is inactive?

The result is based on ratio of number of commits and code additions from initial and final time ranges.

Initial time range – from 14 Aug, 2023 to 14 Nov, 2023

Final time range – from 15 May, 2024 to 14 Aug, 2024

From 8 to 2 commits per week
From 5241 to 349 additions per week
From 2789 to 1178 deletions per week
Data calculated on 14 Aug, 2024

Bus factor

What is Bus factor?

It is basically a number of most active contributors responsible for 80% of contributions.

Bus factor tries to assess "What happens if a key member of the team is hit by a bus?". The more there are key members, the lower the risk.

The XRPLF/xrpl.js repository has a bus factor of 13.

Low risk, knowledge is well distributed among the team members

Bus factor was measured on 14 Aug 2024


Summary of XRPLF/xrpl.js

The XRPLF/xrpl.js is a JavaScript/TypeScript library for interacting with the XRP Ledger. It provides a set of APIs allowing developers to create, sign and submit transactions on the XRP ledger, and also access ledger data. The project is currently maintained by the XRP Ledger Foundation.

The library encapsulates the complexities of the XRP Ledger JSON-RPC and WebSockets APIs, thus offering a simplified interface for developers. This makes it easier for developers to integrate XRP Ledger functionality in their JavaScript/TypeScript applications.

The repository has a detailed README file with instructions on how to install, basic usage, development, and testing. It also includes a link to the documentation for developers to understand more about the XRPL and how to utilize its features in their projects.

The library is also extensively tested with a high code coverage percentage ensuring its stability and reliability in production applications. These tests are automated on GitHub Actions which is triggered at every code push, thus ensuring code integrity and functionality at all stages of development.

Users can contribute to the project as it's open-source (Apache License 2.0). The contributing guidelines, security policy, and code of conduct are available in the repository to ensure a welcoming and inclusive environment.

In terms of project health, this repository is relatively active, which implies that the project is being updated and maintained regularly.

- [GitHub link]( - Language: JavaScript/TypeScript - License: Apache License 2.0 - Last Updated: Regular updates

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