Activity of microsoft/vscode repository

Barely warm 〽️

Contribution activity is decreasing

Activity badge for microsoft/vscode repository

Why microsoft/vscode is barely warm?

The result is based on ratio of number of commits from initial and final time ranges.

Initial time range – from 5 Jul, 2023 to 5 Oct, 2023

Final time range – from 5 Apr, 2024 to 5 Jul, 2024

Additions and deletions stats are not available for this repository due to GitHub API limitations.

Data calculated on 5 Jul, 2024

Summary of microsoft/vscode

The Microsoft/VSCode GitHub repository is the home of Visual Studio Code, a popular source-code editor developed by Microsoft. This repository hosts all the source code for VSCode. It is open to contributions from all developers globally.

The repository includes a detailed README file that showcases the main features of Visual Studio Code, explains how to build and run it from source code, and how to contribute to this project. You'll also find helpful guidelines for submitting issues and a roadmap for the future development of the product.

The repository also includes detailed documentation for developers, such as architecture overviews, coding guidelines, and a list of extension APIs.

The codebase for Visual Studio Code is largely written in TypeScript and uses Electron as a cross-platform development framework.

Some key details of the repository:

  • Repository Link:
  • License: MIT License
  • Programming Language: TypeScript
  • Contributions: The project encourages and guides first-time contributors, as well as provides an extensive guide for creating extensions for VS Code.

The Microsoft/vscode repository is a clear demonstration of Microsoft's commitment to open-source development. It is a large and active community of developers that regularly contribute to Visual Studio Code's constant improvement.

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