Activity of guptarohit/cryptoCMD repository


Contribution activity is growing

Activity badge for guptarohit/cryptoCMD repository

Why guptarohit/cryptoCMD is evolving?

The result is based on ratio of number of commits and code additions from initial and final time ranges.

Initial time range – from 5 Jul, 2023 to 5 Oct, 2023

Final time range – from 5 Apr, 2024 to 5 Jul, 2024

From 1 to 1 commits per week
From 36 to 46 additions per week
From 23 to 43 deletions per week
Data calculated on 5 Jul, 2024

Summary of guptarohit/cryptoCMD

The guptarohit/cryptoCMD repository is a Python-based command line tool that allows the user to interact with cryptocurrencies and get real-time details about different cryptocurrencies. The data that can be retrieved include aspects like price, market cap, availability on exchanges, and more.

To use this application, users must install it using pip. Also, users should have Python 2.7 or Python 3.6 installed on their machine. The tool makes use of several Python libraries, such as requests and pandas.

As of the current context, it supports data from over 1250+ cryptocurrencies, and provides 30+ market data attributes, historical data, direct URLs for currencies on multiple exchanges, among others. The repository has a good number of stars showing some interest from the community. The author also provides a guide on how to use the tool in the repository.

Please be aware that as the tool relies on third-party platforms, the data may vary slightly on different platforms, and the information should not be used for professional trading advice.

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