Activity of bichenkk/coinmon repository

Active 🚀

Active contributions

Activity badge for bichenkk/coinmon repository

Why bichenkk/coinmon is active?

The result is based on ratio of number of commits and code additions from initial and final time ranges.

Initial time range – from 10 Feb, 2023 to 13 May, 2023

Final time range – from 11 Nov, 2023 to 10 Feb, 2024

Additions and deletions stats are not available for this repository due to GitHub API limitations.

Data calculated on 10 Feb, 2024

Summary of bichenkk/coinmon

The bichenkk/coinmon GitHub repository hosts a project that is essentially a tool for developers and cryptocurrency enthusiasts. Coinmon uses the API to fetch cryptocurrency data. It is a command-line utility which allows you to check cryptocurrencies prices in a console. The prices are shown in various standard currencies, such as USD, EUR, CNY, etc. This is a Node.js project, and it requires Node.js to run. For anyone interested in keeping a close eye on their cryptocurrency portfolio, tools like Coinmon can offer quick daily snapshots.

Key Features:

  • Check prices in multiple standard currencies, such as USD, EUR, CNY
  • Support for many cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Ripple, Litecoin, Cardano, IOTA, and more
  • It uses the API from

To use Coinmon, you need to install it via npm, which comes with Node.js. After installation, you can simply type the command coinmon to check the top 10 cryptocurrencies. Various options are available to filter or limit results.

Please note that as an open source tool, the functionality of bichenkk/coinmon will depend on contributions made by developers around the world.

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