Activity of Convex-Dev/convex repository


Contribution activity is growing

Activity badge for Convex-Dev/convex repository

Why Convex-Dev/convex is evolving?

The result is based on ratio of number of commits and code additions from initial and final time ranges.

Initial time range – from 14 Aug, 2023 to 14 Nov, 2023

Final time range – from 15 May, 2024 to 14 Aug, 2024

From 8 to 8 commits per week
From 303 to 440 additions per week
From 217 to 278 deletions per week
Data calculated on 14 Aug, 2024

Bus factor

What is Bus factor?

It is basically a number of most active contributors responsible for 80% of contributions.

Bus factor tries to assess "What happens if a key member of the team is hit by a bus?". The more there are key members, the lower the risk.

The Convex-Dev/convex repository has a bus factor of 2.

High risk, a lot of knowledge concentrated in a few people

Bus factor was measured on 14 Aug 2024


Summary of Convex-Dev/convex

This GitHub repository, Convex-Dev/convex, is associated with the Convex project. Convex is an open-source technology protocol designed for the Internet's digital economy. The Convex World is a global decentralized digital economy where all data and digital resources are openly available and under the control of its users.

On a technical level, Convex is an efficient and secure platform for peer-to-peer transactions, smart contracts, and other distributed applications (dApps).

The Convex-Dev/convex repository appears to be the main repository for Convex's codebase. It contains the necessary files and instructions for setting up and running the Convex protocol.

The repository consists of several directories and files, including those for source code, test code, documentation, and more. Among directories, src contains the source code for the project, test includes scripts for testing the software, and doc holds documentation.

Languages used in this project include Java, Shell, Dockerfile, and more according to language statistics provided by GitHub.

The repository's README provides an introduction to the Convex project as well as instructions for building and running Convex using Java and Leiningen, a tool for automating Clojure projects.

As with other open-source projects, anyone interested in contributing to Convex may potentially do so by following the contributing guidelines provided in the repository.

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