Activity of vitelabs/go-vite repository

Active 🚀

Active contributions

Activity badge for vitelabs/go-vite repository

Why vitelabs/go-vite is active?

The result is based on ratio of number of commits and code additions from initial and final time ranges.

Initial time range – from 5 Jul, 2023 to 5 Oct, 2023

Final time range – from 5 Apr, 2024 to 5 Jul, 2024

Additions and deletions stats are not available for this repository due to GitHub API limitations.

Data calculated on 5 Jul, 2024

Summary of vitelabs/go-vite

Vitelabs/go-vite is a GitHub repository where the Vite open-source project is hosted. Vite is a public chain designed for high-performance, decentralized applications. It is scalable, secure and allows for easy development and deployment of dapps using smart contracts.

Key Features:

  • Smart Contracts: Vite utilizes a unique asynchronous architecture, message-driven model, and hierarchical structure to create a more efficient smart contract solution.
  • High Performance: Leveraging an asynchronous consensus and pipelining architecture, Vite offers high throughput and low latency processing.
  • Own Token Economy: Vite has a native VITE token that fuels transactions and smart contract activities on the network.
  • Security: Vite uses Snapshot Chain and Hierarchical Delegated Proof of Stake (HDPoS) consensus algorithm for a secure network.
  • Cross-Chain Integration: Vite supports cross-chain transfers and offers compatibility with other networks.

The repository contains Go implementation of Vite. The code is licensed under Mozilla Public License Version 2.0.

Here's an outline of the directory structure:

  • cmd: Contains source files for different commands.
  • consensus: Consensus related code
  • ledger: Ledger related code
  • net: Network related code
  • p2p: Peer to Peer network layer
  • pool: Transaction pool related code
  • vm: Virtual Machine implementation for executing smart contracts.

Contributions are welcome and developers should follow the contribution guidelines laid out in the repository.

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